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Jennifer is a registered social service worker who has a love for all people.  She loves to support them on their journey, and help them in anyway she can.  Jennifer has a wide array of skills and wants to use them all to bring joy to people around her.  Jennifer specializes in Yoga Therapy, Coaching and Counselling.  She is especially gifted at supporting those with ADHD.


What makes Jennifer qualified to coach others with ADHD?


Jennifer has lived with ADHD her entire life, but it wasn't until she was 35 that she was actually diagnosed.  Although, she was very bright and learned things quickly, she struggled a lot with emotional regulation.  When Jennifer's son was diagnosed when he was 4 years old, that was when she realized that she also had ADHD.  This means though that Jennifer has experience coping with and without medication.  She has worked with families and individuals.  Jennifer has been through the diagnosis process completely and has worked through government barriers for assistance.  Let's talk and see how Jennifer can help you and/or your family grow through this under recognized developmental challenge.  

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